
These are landscape photographs of landscapes that do not exist. I generated the images using a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). A GAN is a form of artificial intelligence, a deep neural network computer program consisting of two nets, a generator, and a discriminator, which have an adversarial relationship. A GAN can be taught to mimic any distribution of data. In this case, landscape photographs were fed to the program and I then played with the parameters and “bred” new images over and over again until I obtained the image you see.

For many years, photography has been seen as a representation of the natural world. Today, information captured by a camera can be changed by playing with the information given to the algorithm in Photoshop. Beginning with a standard digital image, I select several portions of the image as layers, and alter them using various Photoshop 3-D tools. The individual selections of clouds, rocks, trees and et cetera become new images, which are then re-integrated into the original. This method of creating a picture within a picture is my way of questioning the nature of…

The grandiose cyber-scapes of California artist Carolyn Janssen colorize a new approach to the sublime. Her mountains, vistas and gullies created from hundreds of images- obfuscated and re-mixed- are populated with hordes of female figures singing in harmony, piled atop one another, and engaging in alien cultural customs…

Xanadu critiques popular representations of the increasingly virtual ‘ideal city’; here conceived as a trans-cultural model of contemporary utopia…