Writer Submissions & Proposals

In the In-Between encourages writers to submit papers or proposals for publication. Please review the information and guidelines below.


Publication Overview

In the In-Between (In-B) is an independent photo-arts journal that acts as a platform of support and critical examination of contemporary photographic authorship. In-B defines the term photography in the broadest possible sense and will consider all related or inter-sectional media for publication.

We accept and encourage proposals from independent arts writers as well as organization affiliates for interviews, exhibition and photobook reviews, essays, and special features.

In the In-Between strives to publish exceptional photographic artists and authors. Preference is given to new projects that have not yet been widely published or exhibited, however, we gladly accept proposals on artists at all career levels. Proposals are considered according to the strength of writing and relevance of artists’ work. Our acceptance process is selective. Writers are welcome to discuss proposals with the editor prior to submission.

Editing Information

All texts are edited for clarity, grammar, and strength of arguments prior to publication. The editing process strives to maintain and celebrate authors’ unique voices, perspectives, and writing styles. While editors perform cursory fact-checking, it is the responsibility of authors to ensure all information is true and accurate. Authors should expect at minimum one round of edits.  For scripted interviews, we request the opportunity to review questions for clarity and strength prior to sending to the artist.

Style Guidelines

In the In-Between subscribes to a general house style we call “casual academic,” which we define as critical, accessible, free of jargon, and which offers allowances for more personal voices and perspectives than what academic culture typically allows for. We value and encourage unique, diverse, ambitious, and bold voices that express informed and insightful perspectives on contemporary artistic production.

Submission Guidelines

We request that texts are submitted as editable Microsoft Word files, and include all proper formatting in footnotes, end-notes, and citations as needed. Authors are responsible for attaining relevant images suitable for web publication (2000px wide, 72dpi)

Image caption formatting

title, from the series title. artist name, date. medium, dimensions. courtesy credit.


In the In-Between currently offers modest honoraria to authors according to a tiered feature system.  Rates are $30 for exhibition and book reviews (500-1000 words), $50 for interviews (1000-3000 words), and $80 for original critical, theoretical, or historical essays and artist profiles (1500-3000 words).

Honoraria are determined by our best capabilities, will be evaluated regularly, and we hope to increase compensation as our platform grows. Payment is made via Paypal on the day of publication.

If you live in or near a major city, please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself. We will occasionally commission exhibition reviews for shows of strong interest.

Editorial Cycle

We run on a four-quarter editorial cycle. At the end of every three months (March, June, September, January), we plan and organize features for the following two quarters.

During our quarterly review, we assess the sum of stipends we are able to offer, review proposals on file, and organize a balanced and diverse editorial output. Proposals that are not time sensitive will remain on file for one year. We maintain some flexibility for time-sensitive features that necessitate less than a three-month lead time.  However, we urge writers to assume a three-month lead time and to plan accordingly.


Proposals and submission materials may be sent to the Editor

editor [at] inthein-between [dot] com

Please note, artist submissions to this address will not be accepted.
